Frequently Asked Questions


What services do you offer in terms of WordPress design and development?

Website builds: this could be a full site editing WordPress theme or a theme built with GeneratePress and GenerateBlocks or another theme that suits you and your project. I also work with classic PHP themes or build hybrid (classic and block) themes from scratch. I often use Advanced Custom Fields or custom post types. I deliver sites that perform well in terms of technical SEO, are responsive and meet web accessibility standards.

WordPress Tech Support and Maintenance

Troubleshooting and maintenance: quick fix jobs that involve resolving a website issue (for instance, a problem with a plugin). My WordPress Support and Tech Virtual Assistant maintenance services include updating themes and plugins but also testing plugins before updating. Backups are stored away from where a site is hosted. I offer design refreshes for part of a website (a few pages). I also maintain websites in terms of content (text and images).

How experienced is your team in providing support for individuals, organizations and small businesses?

I’ve been using WordPress and attending WordPress community events since 2011 and learning WordPress development since 2019. I have training in front end web development. Current and past clients include a mix of pro bono and paid clients from the United States, Canada and the U.K. I’ve learned plenty building and maintaining websites for clients I met through Catchafire, an online platform that matches skilled professional volunteers with nonprofits.

Support Network

My network includes experienced graphic and web designers and SEO experts. If ever you need support for something I do not offer, I will make sure you get the help you’re looking for.

Do you provide content writing services as part of the design and development package?

I used to be a journalist and I have training in writing for the web. If you require web content writing, it can be included in a design and development package.

What are the prices for WordPress design and development services?

Prices vary depending on the project. The best way to determine the cost of a project is to hop on a 30-minute discovery call so I can find out more about what you need and give you an estimate.

Are there any discounts available for nonprofit organizations or small businesses?

Clients discounts are available selectively. If I give you a discount for a website build, for instance, I will ask you to participate in your project. I’ll set up the project but you’ll update the content after I show you how.