red ribbon showing a larger heart and a smaller heart

Show Your Website Some Valentine’s Day Love

Stephanie O'Hanley

I’ll admit it. I’m guilty of being the cordonnier mal chaussé (the cobbler’s children have no shoes). My own website needs some love. I need to fix CSS issues and sort out links and the entire visitor experience on this site.

So don’t be like me. Fix your website!

Here are 10 ideas for showing your website some love this Valentine’s Day.

Easy fixes

  1. Change a Call to Action
  2. Adjust your colours so they match your brand better
  3. Check that your copyright notice shows the correct date. If it doesn’t, change it
  4. Swap out a photo or two
  5. Write helpful alt text descriptions for any photos that are missing this important text
  6. Make sure your site is regularly backed up and you have off-site copies
  7. Add a quiz or change one aspect of your site to make it interactive for visitors. It could be something subtle. A colour appears on mouseover, that sort of thing. Nothing too crazy
  8. Republish a blog post


  1. Make sure your emails are not landing in spam folders by verifying DMARC, DKIM and SPF work properly for your site’s email. Google and Yahoo both require that bulk senders of email have DMARC in place.

Here are some resources explaining what this is all about:

What are DMARC, DKIM and SPF?

Understanding the Gmail and Yahoo DMARC Requirements

And here’s a testing tool you can use to make sure your changes are working.

  1. Check your site’s page speed. Fix any issues you see

Some useful tools:

Google’s PageSpeed Insights



Even small changes can make a big difference to your website’s look and performance. If you need help with any of this, let me know.

Stephanie bio photo
About the author
Stephanie O'Hanley is a former journalist turned web developer based in Greater Montreal. As a freelance journalist her work appeared in daily, alternative and community newspapers and digital publications. As a WordPress virtual assistant and developer, she builds websites, offers website support and maintenance, and writing and editing services. She enjoys helping nonprofit, individual, and small business clients in the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada make their websites better.